The Company
Whenever the question is energy optimization,
NAOS Ship and Boat design is the right answer
Naos Group
N A O S is a private and independent ship design company based in Trieste, Italy, created in 1993.
Later developed into a group of companies, is totalizing today more than 30 professionals, in the hearth of Europe.
Later developed into a group of companies, is totalizing today more than 30 professionals, in the hearth of Europe.
Main Activities
- Conceptual/Basic design
- Hull form design / CFD optimization
- Fuel saving optimization
- Stability assessment/ on board loading software
- Structural design / weight optimization
- Vibration analysis (FEA) and on board measurement
- 3D modelling -Hull detailed design and workshop drawings
- Design of ship systems –3D co-ordination plans
- Cargo access design / Ship-Port interface
Principal commercial computer codes owned:
- Initial design / Naval Architecture: NAPA, Aveva, 3DEXPERIENCE, DelftShip
- 3D Modelling; CATIA -3DEXPERIENCE, Rhino, CADDS5,
- Detailed design: CATIA -3DEXPERIENCE,Trident/CADDS5
- Structure: DNV Nauticus Hull, Rina Leonardo, LR
- 2D drawings: AutoCAD, Draftsight
- CFD : FINE Marine (NUMECA), FutureShip (DNV-GL), OpenFOAM
NAOS Trieste, Italy
Basic design, contracting, hydrodynamic, stability, structure
ScandiNAOS, Gotheborg, Sweden
Sea transport concept design, alternative fuels, contracting, research, ship and terminal cargo logistic
NAOS Barcelona, Spain
3D Modeling, Structures, Systems
ANEMOS Split, Hrvatska
Detailed design, workshop drawings hull and systems

Interior Designers
Worldwide Reviews
Room Layouts
Naos Worldwide
Main Customers
- Cantieri Navali Visentini
- Benetti Yachts
- Fincantieri
- Ortona Navi
- Aker Yards (Now RMC),
- Flender Werft
- Jinling
- Besiktas
- Sedef
Ship Owners / Operators
- Visemar
- Stena RoRo
- Toll Shipping
- Corsica Ferries
- Balearia
- Norfolk Line
- Levantina Trasporti
- TransAtlantic / StoraEnso
- Moby Line
- Lloyd Sardegna
- Grimaldi (Naples)
- Finbeta